Thirteenth annual meeting of the
Association for the
Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of
Sciences and Humanities and the Humboldt University of Berlin 2009-06-05 — 2009-06-08
Edited by Andy Ross
Friday, June 5
17:30–18:00 Opening Remarks Michael Pauen, Patrick
Wilken, Thomas Metzinger
18:00–19:00 Presidential Address: An
integrated information theory of consciousness Giulio Tononi, University
of Wisconsin-Madison
From the abstract: The theory starts from
phenomenology and makes use of thought experiments to claim that
consciousness is integrated information. The quantity of consciousness
corresponds to the amount of integrated information generated by a complex
of elements. The quality of experience is specified by the set of
informational relationships generated within that complex. Integrated
information is defined as the amount of information generated by a complex
of elements, above and beyond the information generated by its parts. Qualia
space is a space where each axis represents a possible state of the complex,
each point is a probability distribution of its states, and arrows between
points represent the informational relationships among its elements
generated by causal mechanisms. The set of informational relationships
within a complex specifies an experience.
AR I find this theory far
too incomplete to explain the essential properties of consciousness. I
responded to the address by suggesting that something more was needed, and
argued the point at more depth with Tononi later. I still need to say
clearly what I think is missing. Essentially, it has to do with the temporal
and dynamic aspects of consciousness, where some constraint on the physical
implementations of consciousness may be expected, for example as in
photonic theory.
Saturday, June 6
9:00–10:00 Keynote Lecture:
Origins of shared intentionality Michael Tomasello, MPI for Evolutionary
AR I'm glad to say that Tomasello restricted his
lecture largely to the evolutionary and developmental origins of
intentionality, where the meaning of the concept may safely remain fuzzy. In
my weighty experience, intentionality is a really tricky concept that most
philosophers manage to get wrong somehow or somewhere. Later in the
conference I discussed the concept with John-Dylan Haynes and found I had —
over the decades — thought out a relatively clear and workable idea of what
it is. Now I guess I must write it up.
10:30–12:30 Symposium:
Attention and consciousness Tobias Schlicht (chair), Alva Noë, Ronald
Rensink, Michael Tye
AR I always enjoy Alva's friendly and
conversational style. But I have to say, after reading his new book, I find
his idea that consciousness is out in the world rather unconvincing. As for
Michael Tye, with his Texas chair and his British upper-class bray, didn't
anyone ever tell him that his combination of sneakers with lime-green soles
and a boy-sized black velvet jacket is absurd?
14:00–17:30 Concurrent
Sessions 17:30–19:30 Poster Session
AR I was impressed by many of
the posters. Thomas Metzinger told me — and I agreed — that their quality
shows how far the ASSC has succeeded over the years in raising the study of
consciousness from confused philosophy to a thriving scientific
Sunday, June 7
9:00–10:00 Keynote Lecture:
Armchair reflections on consciousness and the science of consciousness
Jaegwon Kim, Brown University
10:30–12:30 Symposium: Mirroring the
self and others Noam Sagiv (chair), Jamie Ward, Peter Bruggers, Olaf
14:00–17:30 Concurrent Sessions 17:30–19:30 Poster Session
Evening: Conference Dinner
AR The dinner was held in Klärchens
Ballhaus, an astonishing fin de siècle hall of mirrors that must once have
been among the most elegant and impressive in all of Berlin but had
apparently never been fixed up from the last wartime bombing raids on the
city. I told Petra Störig and others all about
my Singularity ideas. The
next day I noticed that Christof Koch, who had later danced with Petra, wore
a "rapture of the geeks" teeshirt.
Monday, June 8
Keynote Lecture: What is the explanatory gap? David Papineau, King’s
College London
AR This was standard philosophy that I knew by heart.
But hearing it all again gave me a new idea about the necessity of our
apparent readiness to create and recreate the gap, which now seems to me to
be part of our "intentional dynamism" and perhaps even an essential
component in the mechanism of consciousness as we know it.
10:30–12:30 Symposium: Visual perception across short timescales. Niko
Busch (chair), Rufin van Rullen, Ryota Kanai, Valtteri Arstila
14:00–15:00 Keynote Lecture Joel Pearson, winner of the 2009 William
James Prize
AR The lecture was excellent and the prize was well
15:00–16:00 Keynote Lecture: The development of a theory of
mind: a tutorial Susan Carey, Harvard University
Symposium: Measuring consciousness: Neurophysiological and behavioral
approaches Anil Seth (chair), Andreas Engel, Zoltan Dienes
18:30–19:30 Keynote Lecture: Human volition: Towards a neuroscience of will
Patrick Haggard, University College London
AR This was a
delightfully smooth presentation on generalizations of Libet's results, and
very supportive of the general tenor of recent work from Haynes' lab.
19:30–19:45 Closing Remarks John-Dylan Haynes
AR Altogether, this was an extremely
satisfying conference. I now have a head full of new ideas that with luck
and some readiness to work I can transmute into a few illuminating writings.