A painting of Winston Churchill in his
famous boiler suit |
A library edition of his six-volume history
of World War II |
By Charles McGrath New York Times, March 4, 2008
Edited by Andy Ross
Human Smoke The Beginnings of World War II, the End of
Civilization By Nicholson Baker Simon & Schuster, 576 pages
Human Smoke is an unusual book even for Nicholson Baker, now 51, whose
career has unspooled in a way as unpredictable as one of his fastidiously
meandering sentences. For a while he was known as a sort of Proustian
miniaturist, an elegist of the quotidian.
But Human Smoke is like his
other books only in its attempt to slow down time and look at things
carefully. Mr. Baker himself and his Nabokovian style are largely absent.
The book is a collage of sorts, a series of short, documentarylike moments
from August 1892 to December 31, 1941.
Mr. Baker began reading the
newspapers of the 1930s and early '40s, just as someone living through those
events would have, and the papers in turn led him to books, and to
contemporary letters and diaries especially.
"Over and over again I
would take out the five most important books on X subject, and then I'd go
back to The New York Times, and by God, the story that was written the day
after was by far the best source. Those reporters were writing with
everything in the right perspective."
"What people actually said was
far more interesting than anything I could address, so I ended up being a
juxtaposer, an arranger, an editor more than a writer. The satisfaction is
winding up with something a little messier and less pat than what you
Human Smoke deliberately has no argument, but Churchill
appears as more of a warmonger than he is usually portrayed, and there is
far more than in most textbooks about pacifist opposition to the war in the
United States and Britain and to Britain's pre-Blitz bombing campaign of
German cities.
"I came to the Second World War with a typically
inadequate American education." Mr. Baker said, "and I was surprised to
discover that Churchill had this crazy, late-night side. He was obviously
thrilled to be in the midst of this escalating war."
Mr. Baker paused
to rub his eyes, and then he went on: "What are you going to do when Europe
is threatened by Hitler, this paranoid, dangerous person? My feelings about
the war change every day. But I also feel that there is a way of looking at
the war and the Holocaust that is truer and sadder and stranger than the
received version."
Just War
By Mark Kurlansky Los Angeles Times, March 9, 2008
Edited by Andy Ross
Human Smoke The Beginnings of World War II, the End of
Civilization By Nicholson Baker Simon & Schuster, 576 pages
All wars have to be sold, but World War II, within the memory of the
pointless carnage that then became known as World War I, was a particularly
hard sell. Roosevelt and Churchill did it well, and their lies have been
with us ever since.
Nicholson Baker's Human Smoke is a meticulously
researched and well-constructed book demonstrating that World War II was one
of the biggest, most carefully plotted lies in modern history.
Because Baker is primarily a novelist, it might be expected that, having
taken on this weighty subject, he would write about it with great flare and
drama. Readers may initially be disappointed, yet one of this book's great
strengths is that it avoids flourishes in favor of the kind of lean prose
employed by journalists.
The facts are powerful. Baker shows, step by
step, how an alliance dominated by leaders who were bigoted, far more
opposed to communism than to fascism, obsessed with arms sales and itching
for a fight coerced the world into war.
Of Franklin Roosevelt, Baker
notes that in 1922, when he was a New York attorney, he "noticed that Jews
made up one-third of the freshman class at Harvard" and used his influence
to establish a Jewish quota there. For years he obstructed help for European
Jewry. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said in 1939 of German
treatment of Jews that "no doubt Jews aren't a lovable people. I don't care
about them myself." Once the war began, Winston Churchill wanted to imprison
German Jewish refugees because they were Germans.
Churchill is a
dominant figure in Human Smoke, depicted as a bloodthirsty warmonger.
Churchill repeatedly praised Mussolini for his "gentle and simple bearing."
In 1927, he told a Roman audience, "If I had been an Italian, I am sure that
I should have been entirely with you from the beginning to the end of your
victorious struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism."
Churchill considered fascism "a necessary antidote to the Russian virus,"
Baker writes.
As Baker's book makes clear, between the two World Wars
communism, not fascism, was the enemy. David Lloyd George, who had been
Britain's prime minister during World War I, cautioned in 1933, the year
Hitler came to power, that if the Allies managed to overthrow Nazism, "what
would take its place? Extreme communism. Surely that cannot be our
In the 1930s, U.S. industry was free to sell the Germans
and the Japanese whatever they'd buy, including weapons. Not to lose out,
the British and French sold tanks and bombers to Hitler. Calls by Joseph
Tenenbaum of the American Jewish Congress to boycott Germany were ignored.
Baker shows that the Japanese, as early as 1934, were complaining that
Roosevelt was deliberately provoking them. In January 1941, Japan protested
the U.S. military buildup in Hawaii. Yet according to World War II
mythology, America was blissfully sleeping, unprepared for war, when caught
by surprise by the dastardly "sneak attack." A year earlier, Baker shows,
Roosevelt began planning the bombing of Japan — which had invaded China —
from Chinese air bases with American planes and pilots.
evinced no desire to negotiate. In fact, Baker writes, in October he "began
leaking the news of his new war plan," with $100 billion earmarked for
airplanes alone. Finally, the night before the Japanese attack, Roosevelt
sent a message to Emperor Hirohito calling for talks. He read it to the
Chinese ambassador, remarking that he thought the message would "be fine for
the record."
People are going to get really angry at Baker for
criticizing their favorite war. Human Smoke could help the world to
understand that there is no Just War, there is just war.
A Bad Book
By Adam Kirsch
New York Sun, March 12, 2008
Edited by Andy Ross
Human Smoke The Beginnings of World War II, the End of
Civilization By Nicholson Baker Simon & Schuster, 576 pages
Even a book as bad as Nicholson Baker's perverse tract about the origins of
World War II helps to confirm the continuing centrality of that war in our
moral lives. Myths call forth debunkers, and the myth of "the good war" has
provoked Mr. Baker to remind us of some of the ways in which World War II
was not good.
The problem with Mr. Baker's book is that he is not
interested in ambiguity, but in countering the received myth of the good war
with his own myth of the bad war. Mr. Baker's ignorance, however, is much
more disgraceful than the ignorance he seeks to combat.
Mr. Baker's
book is designed to convince the reader that America should not have fought
Germany or Japan; that Franklin Roosevelt connived to get us into the war at
the behest of the arms manufacturers; that Winston Churchill was a
bloodthirsty buffoon and a protofascist; that in Japan's invasion of China,
China was the aggressor; that after the fall of France, Churchill was
culpable in vowing to fight on; that the Holocaust was, at least in part,
Hitler's response to British aggression; and that the only people who
demonstrated true wisdom in the run-up to the war were American and British
Mr. Baker seeks to rehabilitate the interpretation of
World War II advanced by isolationists and appeasers in the 1930s. That
interpretation was refuted by history itself. If it was necessary for the
survival of civilization to stop Nazi Germany from dominating Europe — from
replacing freedom with tyranny, suffocating culture and thought, inculcating
racism and cruelty in future generations, depopulating Eastern Europe and
turning it into German lebensraum, enslaving tens of millions of Poles and
Russians, and exterminating European Jewry — then it was necessary to fight
the war.
These conclusions are so plain that no one who spent even a
little time reading and thinking seriously about World War II could avoid
them. But Mr. Baker confessedly knew little about the subject before he
began Human Smoke.
Nor does Mr. Baker have any experience with
writing about large historical and moral questions. On the contrary, he is
known as a writer obsessed with trivia, and his novels are stunts designed
to discover how narrow a writer's compass can become before it vanishes
When such a writer turns to history, it is only to be
expected that he will be hopelessly at a loss. Mr. Baker, in fact, does not
even attempt to make a consecutive argument based on knowledge of all the
relevant sources. Instead, he designed Human Smoke as a collage or montage —
a series of short paragraphs, each of which presents a single incident or
observation from the years up to and including 1941.
With a
novelist's preference for the dramatic and immediate, Mr. Baker takes most
of his examples from published newspaper stories, or else from diaries and
correspondence. But since when is a reporter more knowledgeable than a
historian, or foresight more accurate than hindsight?
Using omission
and juxtaposition in place of narrative allows him to distort the real
sequence of events — as when he allows the reader to imagine that America
sold weapons to China for aggressive purposes, rather than to assist China
in resisting Japanese invasion; or when he implies that, if Britain had made
peace with Hitler in 1941, Nazi aggression would have ceased.
technique is never more delusive than when Mr. Baker seems to take Nazi
propaganda at face value. In September 1941, when the mayor of Hanover
deported the city's Jews "to the East" — code for extermination — he gave as
an excuse the shortage of housing caused by British bombing. "In order to
relieve the distressed situation caused by the war," the mayor announced, "I
see myself compelled immediately to narrow down the space available to Jews
in the city." By reproducing Nazi language uncritically, Mr. Baker
effectively endorses it.
This is never more shocking than when he
quotes Joseph Goebbels's description of Churchill: "His face is devoid of
one single kindly feature. This man walks over dead bodies to satisfy his
blind and presumptuous personal ambition." This is so close to Mr. Baker's
own vision of Churchill that he seems to be citing Goebbels as a trustworthy
A book that can adduce Goebbels as an authority in order to
vilify Churchill has clearly lost touch with all moral and intellectual
bearings. No one who knows about World War II will take Human Smoke at all
